
The crumbling institution of marriage

The institution of marriage shows signs of crumbling. Only the best pairings have a good chance of going the distance. Many couples show a surprising lack of candor during courtship leading to unwelcome surprises down the road. Perspective mates have the tools they need to vet their future spouse if they would only use them.

Dating and courtship

The quintessential interview tools for a couple are dating first then courtship. This magnificent opportunity is your chance to vet not only your partner, but their family as well.

Parents and grandparents showed us the way

Growing up in the 1960s and 1970s revealed to me how marriages should be. My parents and grandparents were terrific examples of marriages constructed with friendship, cooperation and love. I always wanted to have such a marriage. I came close, but missed the mark a bit. Had I known what I realize now, my life would be quite different and most likely a different spouse.

This blog

The above in mind, this web site serves as my legal pad where I write down notes and share research about the entire process of dating, courting and marrying. It has its happy and sad moments. To be frank, my marriage is far from perfect, but functional.