Why 35 year old women can’t find marriage anymore. A YouTuber comments on the Atlantic article entitled…
Key points
- [Western] Ladies have this tendency to drop you for crazy reasons they don’t understand.
- Women’s SMV is deteriorating quickly after 25.
- Men can see wife material. Men can differentiate between wife material, girlfriend material and bang material.
Let’s focus on each.
Women drop men for crazy reasons
Oh my yes. This personally happened to me in my early twenties. Fortunately for me GF #3 was it and I got off the crazy train relatively fast.
Women’s Sexual Fertility Market Value
I don’t like the term SMV. I don’t think “Sexual Market Value” has as much importance than FMV “Fertility Market Value.” I mean come on everyone… sex is about having children plain and simple. All, I am mean ALL sexual attraction involves mate selection and bring that desirable sperm to that egg. As I see it, FMV easily dominates SMV for all, but the most nonsensical male sluts, and given woman’s fertility lasts beyond 25, I’ll put the FMV declining number at 30 years of age. Beyond that things just get more difficult for woman to have babies and guess what… men do not have to deal with that when family oriented women in their early twenties compete with you 30 somethings. From a study by Dr. Silber…
- The incidence of infertility in 20 year old women is about 1% (99 in 100 fertile)
- The incidence of infertility in 28 year old women is about 16% (5 in 6 fertile)
- The incidence of infertility in 35 year old women is about 25% (3 in 4 fertile)
- The majority of women 40 and older are infertile (> 50%?) (1 in 2 fertile)
Those are all good odds for gambling with money, but when the times comes to gamble with a man’s future genetic downline, do you really think he should bet on a women past 30?
You poor women who do plan to have families have been fed a line of BS from the fertility industry that pregnancy beyond what is normal is possible… for a price. To those who fell for this… suckers. You’ve just been conned out of propagating your genetics.
Back to the original moniker of Sexual Market Value. It’s true unmarried women seeking their first mate past 30 have their work cut out for them, but that certainly doesn’t suggest they are not sexy women. Still the sexiest women past 30 are moms who made the commitment to family life and have children in their care. Family makes the lady it seems. Question: Who looks more put together… a never married 40 something or a 50 year old mom about to become a grandmother?
Men can spot wife material
If anything comes as natural as mate suitability detection, males have this sensory perception in spades. It didn’t take many minutes to figure my first girlfriend when I was 22 (late bloomer) was not going to be it. Fumbling about with a first girlfriend is hard enough, but her craziness (something she admits today by the way) quickly cemented the notion this person isn’t going to be the mother of my children. Good thing she dumped me because I was young, dumb and full of cum and didn’t really know what the hell I was doing most of the time. Our separation was an emotional train wreck to me, but that’s the painful thing most men must endure if they are to move forward… and move forward I did.
Hilarious comments
When women hit 35 and still haven’t had a baby, they start to panic. When they hit 40, they go full batshit crazy.
It’s prudent to narrow this down to only women who desire to have a family and 50% 40 is pushing it. Yeah sure fertility is still possible, but you ignore an important fact about the other side of child rearing. Who wants to watch their children graduate college in their sixties.
The female game is based on the assumption that men will always be like they were at 18, unable to refuse..but once that’s gone, they have nothing.
Damn straight. I couldn’t refuse GF #1. Thank goodness she dumped me. Back to the point, the larger problems for older women desiring a family are STDs (from the yards of dick most of them took), a feeling of being used in relationships (from the yards of dick most of them took) and the assumption men don’t pay attention to this. When we are older ladies, sniffing out poor fertility candidates is what we do best.
I love how [women] love saying “40 is the new 30….”. Really Honey? Try telling that to your ovaries.
One of the saddest sights is an older marriage/children seeking woman rationalizing against nature’s biological clock. The new 30 is still the old 30.
When my brother got married, several women he had known for a while had the nerve to be PO’d at him because they had been “keeping him in reserve,” in case Mr. Really Right never showed up!
Supremely bad strategy ladies.
Ladies, if you can’t find a good man, it’s probably because YOU’RE NOT GOOD ENOUGH!
There are always some exceptions (environment, etc.), but the above is spot on.
These women have been ran thru, have had yards of penis in them along with loads of semen over or in their bodies….and they want a man to honor and cherish that? What makes me as a man special when she’s had so many?
Or the chance an STD has rendered her infertile let alone the health risk to the poor man dumb or desperate enough to check the oil with their dipstick.
It’s pretty simple. Women want a confident man with resources and social status. Men want a young woman with beauty and fertility. Sure, there are other mitigating variables and people will vary in their individual tastes to a degree depending on their preferences and situation. But in basic broad strokes, that’s the underlying biological truth.
Emphasis added because fertility is the driving factor of attractiveness to a man in all things… even if they do not want to have children. Some comments from women in retort to the above do their best to defend their “I waited too long” life mistake only to reveal the unapologetic beast that is reality.
35 still attractive, no man cares, the colleges are churning fresh ones every year lol