The sex penalty
There is a penalty to pay for promiscuity during your young-adult years by both men and women. Women though are especially vulnerable to rejection by the ever shrinking supply of eligible men. This video discusses why the odds disfavor women who delay marriage, with a highpoint at the four minute mark.
Needless to say, the orator reminds us the value of addressing prior promiscuity during the marriage interview with the realization a 30-something male can easily find a much younger women with zero or many fewer sexual encounters.
Favorite quotes
“Promiscuous women reveal their lack of impulse control and ability to construct long term relationships.”
“Remember, if you are in your late 20s or early 30s, a guy in his 30s can find an 18 yo old woman to marry, she might not be a virgin, but she could have less of a torrid history.”
“The way you live your life is going to affect the options available to you.”
Counter argument? Someone for everyone?
The study in the article What’s Your Number sadly highlights that some number of previous lovers in your life is acceptable to a large segment of the survey’s population.
This data runs contrary to the thoughts expressed in the video. Notice the survey participants regard the ideal lifetime number of sexual partners equals how many partners they’ve actually had. Coincidence?
OMG it takes about 15 previous partners before candidate #16 wears an expression of concern?
In figure 2 we see the participants don’t seem bothered by their partner’s previous encounters.
Fortunately the study reveals having “too few” previous partners as a worthwhile attribute towards continuing a relationship.
Perhaps the study’s correlation of number of partners to sexually transmitted diseases holds a clue.
Looks like the “ideal number” from figure 1 yields a 1 in 12 chance for The Clap, etc. Delightful. That’s better odds than getting two pair in a hand of poker. Re-read the previous sentence and think how many times you held two pairs. Are STDs the silent reasoning leading to figure 3’s revelation?
Don’t make the mistake of thinking men worth having are not bothered by your sexual past. Promiscuity equals baggage – plain and simple. If you feel you must have lots of sex before marriage at least have the courtesy of saving some particular sex act for your husband. Otherwise brush up on your superlative traits to compensate for your demonstrable lack of impulse control and chances of harboring an STD.